Public Health & Migration at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health presents: Inbetween, a digital storytelling event on the intersectional experiences of LGBTQ+ immigrants.
Join us to watch seven digital stories of LGBTQ+ immigrants and their allies. The digital stories convey their expectations and lived experiences from an intersectional perspective. The event will conclude with a final Q&A session. EVENT SPEAKERS:
The event will take place on March 4th from 5-7 pm at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Room 610).
According to an article in the Guardian, hundreds of Salvadorans deported by US were killed or abused.
"Human Rights Watch has documented 138 deported Salvadorans murdered by gang members, police, soldiers, death squads and ex-partners between 2013 and 2019. The majority were killed within two years of deportation by the same perpetrators they had tried to escape by seeking safety in the US." The report, Deported to Danger: United States deportation policies expose Salvadorans to death and abuse, identifies over 70 individuals who were subject to beatings, sexual assault and extortion or who went missing after being returned. The next event in the Harney Lecture Series in Ethnicity "The Case for Open Borders", featuring Christopher Freiman, will be held on February 25, 2020 2-4pm.
Abstract: Countries have a moral obligation to liberalize their immigration policies. Immigration restrictions violate people's freedom of movement and deprive them of opportunities to become dramatically richer. Moreover, none of the standard objections to open borders--the potential economic costs, special obligations to fellow citizens, states' rights of self-determination, and so on--are successful. The talk concludes with a discussion of the relevance of immigration policy to issues like climate change and poverty relief. Location: Room 108N Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (1 Devonshire Place, University of Toronto) |
Applied research Advocacy Archives
February 2023